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3 ways to boost your productivity without spending a penny


I am sure we have all felt at some point or another that we can be more productive. Whether this is a feeling that is fleeting or one that bothers us on a daily basis, it is important to recognise ways in which we can make small and simply daily changes which can improve our levels of productivity.

  1. Let's spice up that 'to do list'

I love making lists and find them really helpful, as the inspire me to keep going. I live for that moment and feeling I get when I can tick a task off my to do list. But for a lot of people, a simply to do list is boring, uninspiring and they often forget to write them or go back to them throughout the day - simply to find Monday's to do list in a draw on Thursday. One way to boost your productivity and write a more meaningful to-do list is to add in your why.

Maybe your to-do list includes writing a blog or going live in your Facebook group. Let's add in our why behind the task - this will ultimately inspire us to complete the task because there is more meaning attached to it.

2. Find your ideal workspace

I love working from my desk and find that I am a lot more focused and productive when I work from my desk. However, there are days when this isn't possible and I really noticed the difference in my levels of productivity and motivation. For other people, they may work best in a coffee shop, or on their couch, or in a co-working space. You need to find what works for you - where do you feel more focused, motivated and excited to work from? The answer will be different for every person and that's okay. Do what works for you!

3. Discard your distractions

I know this one is a lot easier said than done, but eliminating our distractions is ultimately going to make us more productive. Whether that means asking someone to look after the kids for a few hours, putting your phone on do not disturb mode, making sure the dog has been walked and fed so he's a little more tired, using earphones, turning off unnecessary notifications...the list is endless. Sometimes this point is more about willpower - but think about how much easier and quicker your work day will be because of it.

What are your favourite productivity tips? We don't need to be spending lots of money on fancy systems or notebooks to help with our productivity when we have the power to make positive changes each and every day.

Looking to find out how you can work with me in 2023? Contact me today!

A xx



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